Teskilat volume 123 bangla subtitles

Teskilat তেসকিলাত 

In the end occasion of ( The Agency) series; While the pressure between Ömer and Zehra gradationally increases, the unanticipated situation at the end of the operation is about to put the platoon in a dead end. The new 55th occasion caravan of  Teşkilat has been released! What be in the occasion on November 13rd. Will Teşkilat, starring the popular actors of our country similar as Deniz Baysal and Çağlar Ertuğrul, be released this week? Teşkilat 54th occasion Preview has been published on our point snappily. The new occasion of  Teşkilat series, which was watched with great admiration on TRT 1 defenses, will be with you on Sunday, November 13rd, at 08P.M. Teşkilat Plot Story There are some icons ; the state lives with them, their names are buried in history The story of those who failed before they die, Teşkilat will screen the struggle, offerings and devotion of seven loyalists who literally went' underground' by accepting a grueling task for their country where they had to give up their lives and be unnoticeable in the crowds.

 The end caravan of  Teşkilat series has been added to the runner! You can find out what will be in the series, each occasion of which is eagerly awaited, from this runner, which we constantly modernize. Then are 55th occasion caravan and occasion summary of Teşkilat What be in the end occasion? While Ömer questions who saved him, Efkar is upset about whether Ömer saw him or not. Immolating his son's life for himself, Hartley activates the coming move of his plan, which was baffled by the deliverance of Celine! With the operation initiated by the platoon,  Ömer Zehra go down to the field together. To succeed in this delicate operation, they will have to put their particular fights away. While  Korkut is glad that his family Zeynep is discharged from the sanitarium, he faces the bitter verity. Korkut, whose wrathfulness is growing, darken his eyes! While the pressure between  Ömer and Zehra gradationally increases, the unanticipated situation at the end of the operation is about to put the platoon in a dead end. Teşkilat( The Agency) occasion 55 Summary Ömer and Zehra are about to enkindle a dangerous operation! Continuing with his plan with determination, Hartley's coming step is revealed to put Turkey in trouble in the transnational arena and to support the terrorist state!Ömer jehra, who set out on a delicate trip to find the position of the security they learned to be in Turkey, have no choice but to succeed!

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